July 10, 2016

App of the Month: Sparkk TV

June’s App of the Month offers an abundance of alternative entertainment. Sparkk TV, is an on-demand streaming library for web-TV shows. Completely free and and with a huge list of unique indie series to choose from, this app is perfect for those of you who want to try something a bit more special-snowflaky than the usual Netflix or HBO.

Sparkktv.com is a webseries network providing TV-shows from a bunch of indie filmmakers.

Sparkk TV started out in 2005 under the name VBCtv and has since then become one of the leading networks of its kind. The site reps a huge library of unique content that grows on a daily basis. And all of this is provided to you for free, with no annoying ads – you know, the jet-motor-volume-to-make-sure-you’re-paying-attention ones – interrupting the videos. Delicious.

Sparkk TV brought to your phone for some sweet indie entertainment.

The Sparkk TV app brings an upgraded user-experience to mobile devices. It has all of the features and content of the website. Spanning 70+ different shows across eight genres, there’s bound to be something for everyone.

Other than streaming full episodes, you can also watch previews and other short clips as well as keep yourself updated on their schedule of upcoming releases. If you log in to an account you also get access some additional features like commenting on episodes, adding videos to queue and so on.

Huge amount of content. The useful genre filtering makes it easier to spot the shows you’re more likely to appreciate.

As expected from low-budget productions the quality of the shows varies. Sometimes the shy resources will serve to make the production more genuine. Other times, you end up with something uh – okay, we’re not going to lie – completely ridiculous.

In this case, we honestly find the low-budget-kind of ridiculous – think Power Rangers, just swap the athletic teen superheroes for out-of-shape middle-aged ones strutting around in tight latex suits – pretty damn entertaining. Unintended humor is the best, don’t you know?

But anyway, there’s lots of content here, and the part of it we’ve explored has been either good or so bad that it’s a special kind of good. Makes sense?

Film noir-esque Aidan 5, one of the 70+ shows available for streaming.

Sparkk TV utilises the modules Web Page, List and Content to deliver a fantastic entertainment app for people out there in to indie culture. Great overall design, lots of content and variety sprinkled with some nice little features adding extra-value for logged on users. Functionality and design wise Sparkk TV is basically on par with Netflix and the other streaming giants, so this is a real testament to what is possible on our platform.

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